• Aktuality


2. listopadu 2023

Lecture by a PhD student on experience with the selection procedure and internship within the framework of ERASMUS

Dear colleagues,

my name is Dani and I am a PhD student in my 4th year of studies in Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication. This summer I did a one-month internship as part of the Erasmus short-term internships for doctoral students. I would like to talk about the process I went through, point out the pitfalls, and put together in one presentation all the necessary information that sometimes is not easy to put together. Bureaucracy is bureaucracy, and I would like to make the path as easy as possible for those who have not yet applied for this program.

Please come to the faculty meeting on November 9 by 7 p.m. in room 1.31

The language of the presentation is English.

In the end, my colleague Verka Koukalova and I would like to present our vision of a possible plausible hypothetical Ph.D. student club :-)

Please fill out the form so that I understand how many people will be there, if a larger audience needs to be reserved, or so that I can inform you in case of any changes. Please fill out the form by November 7 - https://forms.gle/3tpBjk5YmqFWBPDi6.

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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Oddělení doktorského studia

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