• Aktuality


22. ledna 2024

The Collegium Carolinum awards a visiting fellowship for a month-long research visit to Munich. The offer is directed to researchers using methodologically or thematically innovative approaches to study of the history and culture of the Bohemian Lands, of Czechoslovakia, the Czech lands or Slovakia and the neighbouring regions.

The fellowship is limited to one month. The applicant should name possible dates for their stay in Munich in the application. Collegium Carolinum expects the fellows to spend the time of their fellowship in Munich and to make use of the resources of the institute and other academic institutions on site.

The amount of the grant will be a single payment of €1,500 for doctoral candidates, while researchers who have already been awarded a doctorate will receive a single payment of €2,000.

Applications can be sent in German or English to Judith Brehmer (judith.brehmer@collegium-carolinum.de) by 2 February 2024. Please hand in your application as a single PDF file via e-mail.

All applications must include the following materials:

  • A letter of motivation, setting out why the study visit to the Collegium Carolinum is necessary for the project being pursued by the candidate (max. 1 page)

  • A presentation of the research project, including details on the current state of research, its goals and the work already completed (max. 3 pages)

  • Personal details: CV, academic qualification, list of publications, if necessary selected (max. 2 pages)

  • University certificates (final)

For further details, please visit the official website.

In the case of external offers or individually arranged stays, if the institution requires confirmation/nomination/recommendation from the International Office, the International Office must be contacted well in advance and the request must be properly documented.

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