• Aktuality


14. září 2023

Call for applications: Classics Colloquium on War and Trauma: Ancient and Modern Dialogues

Following the devastating wars of the 20th century, we said ‘never again’, yet for millions of people conflict, and its ghosts, are facts of daily life. In Europe, we once more live in the shadow of a struggle which, directly or indirectly, has implications for us all. How do we try to make sense of war? How do we learn to live with, and despite of, the trauma it causes? This Classics Colloquium aims to bring together scholars across disciplines to discuss these questions in relation to ancient societies, and to think about how ancient ideas of war have shaped more rent ways of thinking about war in politics and culture.

Application deadline: Friday, 29 September

More information available here.

Call for applications: Winter School on Survivance and Survival in partnership with the University of Tartu

This Winter School is organised in collaboration with the University of Tartu and has as its core values inclusion, diversity, accessibility, tolerance, and collaboration. As such, the key focus of the Winter School will be on minority rights, languages, heritage, etc., and various related activities, behaviours, and institutions.

Application deadline: Sunday, 22 October

More information available here.

Call for applications: Media and Ambivalence Workshop

This media workshop centres on ambivalence within today’s media environments, where questions such as whether this ambivalence is positive or negative and whether it is changeable or unavoidable are being hotly debated. We will explore the effects of ambivalence in numerous contexts from climate change, human rights, representation, and discourses on racism, misogyny, classism, and settler colonialism to history, science, AI, technology, and national/regional identity discourses. And further, how these dynamics connect with, amplify, or modify dominant media practices, production, and consumption.

Application deadline: Sunday, 8 October 2023

More information available here.

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In the case of external offers or individually arranged stays, if the institution requires confirmation/nomination/recommendation from the International Department of FHS UK, the department must be contacted well in advance (we recommend at least 20 working days) and the request must be properly documented.

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Univerzita Karlova

Fakulta humanitních studií

Oddělení doktorského studia

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

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