Enrollment in the study

To successfully complete the enrollment process, it is necessary to send at Doctoral study department the following documents:

  • An officially certified copy of the diploma and the diploma supplement in paper form. If you have completed a previous university degree outside of the Czech Republic, applying for nostrification/recognition of your last foreign academic degree is necessary.

    If you have any questions, contact Vojtěch Volák at

    IMPORTANT: photocopies of documents that are not certified are not acceptable. You must have your copies certified!

    In case you are a successful graduate of Charles University, you no longer need to provide any documents.

  • As soon as the Department of Doctoral Studies receives a paper-certified copy of the diploma or decision on the recognition of the foreign diploma and supplement, then will be sent the following documents to your e-mail address:

    a) Registration sheet

    b) Contract for the provision of study in Czech and English

    c) The Oath of Matriculation

  • Documents (a,b,c) have to be signed and sent back by post at this address:

    Doctoral study department

    Charles University

    Faculty of Humanities

    Pátkova 2137/5

    182 00 Praha 8 – Libeň

    Czech Republic

  • Once we receive all the required documents, you will be officially enrolled in the study. Please note that this process should be completed by the end of September 30; the new academic year starts October 1.

Last change: December 12, 2024 14:15 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

office No 1.25

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