Science & Research

Publication and conference

  • A student of a doctoral programme is obliged to publish the results of their research in a way that is standard in their field.

  • Publication and conference activity must be recorded in the electronic database OBD, which is only in the Czech. In this case, it is necessary to fill in the appropriate form and request on registration in the OBD system.

  • The student must state their affiliation to FHS CU.

  • It is preferable to dedicate your publication to a supporting grant project.

  • Publication that is not recorded in OBD cannot be paired with a student's individual study plan and such a publication would not be counted as the fulfilled obligation, even though it is an existing publication.

Beware the predators!

Personal identifiers

According to rectors directive nr.28/2016 are students obliged to have personal identifiers. You may find more info at our website.

  • Orcid ID - Open Researcher and Contributor ID

  • ResearcherID - ID database Web of Science

  • Scopus Author ID - Scopus database

Presentation duty

Presentation at a scientific conference is a mandatory part of any Individual study plan.

To fulfill this obligation your presentation must be correctly recorded in the OBD database and paired with the ISP.

Last change: November 23, 2023 13:51 
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182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

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