General Anthropology ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Form of study: full-time or combined Standard study period: 4 years ****************************************************************************************** * Description of the Field of Study ****************************************************************************************** The aim of the Study Programme is a broad-based (general) anthropological study of the nat behaviour, conduct and cognition in both their biological (genetic) dimension as well as e culturally, socially or environmentally conditioned variability. The starting point is the Saxon) concept of integral, general anthropology as a discipline studying both the biologi sociocultural aspects of people's lives as complex organisms, gifted with language, thinki (gifted with semiotic, symbolic representation). This starting point is then extended by s (German and French) of philosophical and historical anthropology. Thus conceived (general) takes into account both the diversity of human cultures as well as the general characteris (both partial developmental processes as well as general characteristics of biological and evolution of human). It is, in its own way, synthetic (interconnecting different, relative approaches) and comparative, both analytically critical and reflexive. Within the framework of thus conceived (general) anthropology, empirical (or statistical) life sciences (or biomedical sciences, empirical psychology or demography) are applied, as interpretative approaches of sociocultural anthropology (or ethnography) and historical or analytical-reflexive approaches to philosophical and hermeneutic anthropology (depending o specialisation – see below). The culture theory (as a social learning of the transmitted, is a significant interpretation link of the Study Programme, whether it is used in predomi constructivist interpretations, in interpretations relying on the coevolution of genes and the study of cultural conditionality of the frequency of biological or neuropsychological The Study Programme can be studied in four specialisations: 1.Philosophical anthropology is an area of philosophical research devoted primarily to the philosophical concepts of a human and the role of these concepts in the formation of hum understanding. It is based on the tradition of classical German philosophy, from the met and paradigmatic plans of W. Dilthey, E. Cassirer, M. Scheler, K. Jaspers, and also from philosophy of Ricoeur, Foucault and Deleuze. Philosophical anthropology is not unambiguo in the methodology, it utilizes in particular hermeneutical, but also phenomenological m also Anglo-Saxon intellectual history and contextual reading. The philosophical anthropo concrete forms of thematization of humanity in individual philosophies into the historic the same time it attempts to formulate the claim, the normative meaning and the effect o on the formation of an individual person, or recipient, reader of this philosophy. 2.The Historical anthropology specialisation is based on its currently most common definit the Anglo-Saxon, French and German environments. It is thus partly based on an effort to interpretation methods based on cultural anthropology (condensed description, interpreta perspective of the participant) on historical cultures and on text and artefact source m also based on an effort to compare historical world cultures according to basic function related to behaviour, conduct and experience of the world of historical participants (e. of piety, limitation of sacred and profane, manifestations of ethnicity and ways of arti national or confessional identities, the forms of childhood, family structures, widowhoo perception and its thematisation, etc.). As well as the perception and interpretation of culture as manifestations of “foreign” cultures (transferring cultural and anthropologic my own – foreign) and the thematisation of subcultures and countercultures within the wi formations of the past. 3.Cultural and social anthropology involves several perspectives that are interconnected. emphasizes interdisciplinarity, and continues in the one-hundred-year approach of North cultural anthropology as represented by Franz Boas and some of his pupils. In this conte inspiration from such theoreticians and field empiricists as Claude Lévi-Strauss, Cliffo Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, Bruno Latour, Tim Ingold, etc., whose works go beyond of a single discipline. What distinguishes cultural and social anthropology from other s is, above all, its methodology. The focus of all specialisations is a human, society and however, a key component of the cultural and social anthropology approach is systematic research in the most diverse terrains and environments, and a reflexive (participant) ap research of various socio-cultural phenomena. 4.Psychological anthropology and human ethology focuses on the multidisciplinary study of behaviour and cognitive processes. On the one hand, it is based on evolutionary theory a perspectives emphasizing the adaptive significance and universality of human psyche and on the other hand it deals with the study of the sources of variability in them. Biologi as well as evolutionary and cultural factors participate in individual diversity. The st mutual coexistence and synergy of the influences of culture, education and the environme biological conditionality of human behaviour, thinking or experiencing are at the centre this specialisation. Within this paradigm, topics such as partner selection and partner sexual behaviour, sensation and perception, cognitive abilities, laterality, nonverbal m in various social contexts, and psychopathological phenomena are studied. The specialisa includes the study of behaviour and cognition of extinct human ancestors and closely rel species. ****************************************************************************************** * Tuition ****************************************************************************************** Tuition fee for the program is 700 € per year. ****************************************************************************************** * Links and contacts ****************************************************************************************** Vice-dean of PhD Study Programmes: Ing. Jana Jeníčková, Ph.D. [ MAIL "jana.jenickova(zavin Guarantor of the Study Programme: doc. PhDr. Jan Horský, Ph.D. [ MAIL "jan.horsky(zavinac) • Basic information for the study [ URL "FHSDSEN-40- version1-1_zakladniinformacekestudiu_oa_odakroku_2019_20_eng.doc"] • List of Supervisors [ URL "FHSDSEN-89.html "] • Forms&Documents [ URL "FHSDSEN-67.html "] • Dissertation Topics Proposal [ URL "FHSDSEN-67.html "] • Specifics of Ph.D. Studies [ URL "FHSDSEN-25.html "] • Application Procedures [ URL "FHSDSEN-51.html "] Application available for full-time and combined form of study here [ URL "FHSDSEN-45.html